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Korean Students Association Culture Show

The Korean Student Association is a student-run group at the University of Michigan. KSA offers a wide variety of events and celebrations through out the academic year for students to get involved and learn more about the Korean culture. KSA is diverse and open to all students and non-students of different backgrounds.

Each year, KSA hosts a culture show where student groups are able to showcase acts that they believe represent the Korean culture. The performances entail modern, as well as traditional performances, and range from dancing to drumming. Along with the student groups, there is a professional performer hired every year to come and present at the Culture Show. Some student groups that regularly perform are...










1. Female Gayo - an all-girl Korean-interest dance group that integrates and exemplifies Korean pop music

2. Male Gayo - all-boy alternative to Female Gayo, which also integrates Korean music to showcase their dancing and passion

3. Seoul Juice - a Korean-interest a cappella group that integrates Korean pop music with all musical parts sung in harmony

4. KDM - a dance group 9 girls that covers Korean-pop music who hope to introduce Korean culture through music and dancing

5. Fan Dance - a traditional form of dance from the Joseon Dynasty. The female dancers open and close eccentric colored fans to a flowing rhythm and traditional music. Their colorful costumes present a glimpse of those once worn by dancers of the royal court.

6. Sinaboro - a traditional Korean drumming group that is based on SamulNori, which is a type of music performed by farmers to celebrate and wish for good harvests. SamulNori is performed with four musical instruments, each which represent thunder, rain, cloud, and wind.









"Even though majority of the performances are the same crew and performance groups each year, the variety is different enough that I can expect something different each time."

- Daewoon Kim


"It was interesting to me how the show was much more geared towards modern Korean performances and less about traditional ones. Although I thoroughly enjoyed all the performances, I wish I could have experienced more traditional Korean performances."

Veronica Weisman




Click here for complete video playlist.
1. 4000 Won  VIDEO
2. Female Gayo  VIDEO
3. Dong-yeop Lee & Sajoon Park  VIDEO
4. Fan Dance  VIDEO
5. Funktion  VIDEO
6. Seoul Juice  VIDEO
8. Episode 1
9. Episode 2
10. Episode 3
11. Episode 4
2011  IGNITE 
Click here for 2011 program book
Click here for complete video playlist.
1. Sinaboro VIDEO
2. Seoul Juice VIDEO
4. Fan Dance VIDEO
5. Female Gayo VIDEO
6. Daniel Kim VIDEO 
2012  IMPACT 
Click here for 2012 program book
Click here for complete playlist.
1. Sinaboro  VIDEO
2. Seoul Juice  VIDEO
3. Female Gayo  VIDEO
4. Funktion  VIDEO
5. Fan Dance  VIDEO
7. Dan Kim & the Blueberry Incident VIDEO
2013 SUMM(IT) 
Click here for 2013 program book.
1. Sinaboro  VIDEO
2. Female Gayo  VIDEO
3. Seoul Juice  VIDEO
4. Funktion  VIDEO
5. Fan Dance  VIDEO
7. Male Gayo  VIDEO
2014  COLLIDE  
Click here for 2014 program book.
1. Sinaboro  VIDEO
2. Funktion
3. Photonix  VIDEO
4. Female Gayo  VIDEO
5. Fan Dance
6. Male Gayo  VIDEO
7. Element One  VIDEO
8. Jen & Joules
2015  FLARE
-  Sinaboro  VIDEO
-  Element 1  VIDEO
-  Female Gayo Pt. 1  VIDEO
-  Female Gayo Pt. 2  VIDEO
-  Funktion  VIDEO
-  Seoul Juice Pt. 1  VIDEO
-  Seoul Juice Pt. 2  VIDEO
-  Fan Dance  VIDEO
-  Fusion Fan Dance  VIDEO
-  Kiwi Performance  VIDEO
-  Male Gayo  VIDEO
-  Connie Ly & Christie Chiang  VIDEO
Click here for 2016 program book
Click here for video playlist
1. Fan Dance  VIDEO
2. Element One  VIDEO
3. K-Motion  VIDEO
4. Male Gayo 
5. Sinaboro  VIDEO
6. Seoul Juice  VIDEO
7. Female Gayo  VIDEO
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